2023 Honorable Mention, Undergraduate Research Project Competition, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan
2023 Best Paper Award, International Conference on Geosynthetics and Environmental Engineering
2022 Fourth Prize, Undergraduate Team, Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research in Schools (IDEERS)
2022 Excellence Award for 2021 Teaching Program Execution, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan
2022 Certificate in EMI Skills, Cambridge English
2021 Honorable Mention Award for Project 1 of the 22nd International Competition for Structural Health Monitoring
2021 Best Paper Award, Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taiwan
2020 Excellence Award for the Project 1 of the 1st International Project Competition for Structural Health Monitoring
2020 Second Award for Project 2 of the 1st International Project Competition for Structural Health Monitoring
2012 NARL's Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology Development of On-site Earthquake Early Warning System
● Referred Papers
Huang, S.-K., Chao, W.-T., and Lin, Y.-X., “Conditional Generation of Artificial Earthquake Waveforms based on Adversarial Networks,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, doi.10.1016/j.soildyn.2024.108622, 04 2024.
Huang, S.-K., Chen, J.-Q., Weng, Y.-T., and Kang, J.-D., “Tracking Modal Parameters of Structures Online Using Recursive Stochastic Subspace Identification under Ambient Excitations,” Buildings, doi.10.3390/buildings14040964, 04 2024.
Huang, S.-K. and Lin, T.-X., “Development of Data Anomaly Classification for Structural Health Monitoring based on Iterative Trimmed Loss Minimization and Human-in-the-loop Learning,” Structural Health Monitoring, doi.10.1177/14759217241242031, 03 2024.
Huang, S.-K. and Chi, F.-C., “Development of Recursive Subspace Identification for Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring under Seismic Loading,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi.10.1155/2023/111704, 12 2023.
Huang, S.-K., Chi, F.-C., and Weng, Y.-T., “Practical Implementation of Recursive Subspace Identification on Seismically Excited Structures with Fixed Window,” Applied Sciences, doi.10.3390/app12211084, 11 2022.
紀富中、黃謝恭、翁元滔, “使用遞迴子空間識別法實現線上系統識別之試驗研究,” 中國土木水利工程學刊, 第三十四卷,第四期, doi.https://doi.org/10.6652/JoCICHE.202, 06 2022. (EI)
Lai, Y. A., Luo, W. C., Huang, S. K., Yang, C. Y., and Chang, C. M., “Seismic control of structure with phase control active tuned mass damper,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi.10.1002/stc.2946, 02 2022.
Chou, J. Y., Fu Y., Huang, S. K., and Chang, C. M., “SHM data anomaly classification using machine learning strategies: A comparative study,” Smart Structures and Systems, 29(1), doi.10.12989/sss.2022.29.1.077, 01 2022.
林天郇、黃謝恭、周肇昱, “使用機器學習和統計資訊進行異常訊號檢測和分類,” 結構工程期刊, 第三十七卷,第四期, 2022.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Estimating Structural Displacement from Earthquake-induced Acceleration using Singular Spectrum Analysis,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 36(6), 2022. (EI)
黃謝恭、羅俊雄, “賽門映射在結構健康監測上之應用:以十層樓實尺寸混凝土結構為例,” 三聯技術, 09 2021.
周肇昱、黃謝恭、張家銘, “利用深度學習進行訊號異常識別之方法比較及即時識別,” 中國土木水利會刊, 第四十八卷第二期, 2021.
Huang, S. K., Chao, S. H., Huang, J. Y., Chang, Y. W., & Loh, C. H., “Estimation of story drift directly from acceleration records for post-earthquake safety evaluations of buildings,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(11), doi.10.1002/eqe.3500, 2021.
Huang, S.-K., Chen, J.-D., Loh, K.-J., and Loh, C.-H., “Discussion of user-defined parameters for recursive subspace identification: application to seismic response of building structures,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, doi.10.1002/eqe.3327, 2020.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Combination of decentralized sliding mode control and online wavelet analysis for control of equipment with isolation system,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi.10.1002/stc.2339, 2019.
Funderburk, M. L., Huang, S.-K., Loh, C.-H., and Loh, K. J., “Densely distributed and real-time scour hole monitoring using piezoelectric rod sensors,” Advances in Structural Engineering, doi.10.1177/1369433219831124, 2019.
Yu, I.-N., Huang, S.-K., Loh, K.-J., & Loh, C.-H., “Application of subspace identification on the recorded seismic response data of Pacoima Dam,” Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, doi.10.12989/smm.2019.6.4.347, 2019.
Huang, S.-K., Chen, C.-T., Loh, C.-H., and Chang, L.-M., “Extracting ground motion characteristics of distant earthquakes for mitigating displacement-sensitive equipment,” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, doi.10.1177/1461348418781984, 2018.
Wu, B.-R., Hsiao, N.-C., Lin, P.-Y., Hsu, T.-Y., Chen, C.-Y., Huang, S.-K., and Chiang, H.-W., “An integrated earthquake early warning system and its performance at schools in Taiwan,” Journal of Seismology, doi.10.1007/s10950-016-9595-3, 2017.
Hsu, T.-Y., Wu, S.-Y., Huang, S.-K., Chiang, H.-W., Lu, K.-C., Lin, P.-Y., and Wen, K.-L., “Performance of On-site Earthquake Early Warning Systems for Different Sensor Locations,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering, doi.10.5281/ZENODO.1125913, 2016.
Loh, C.-H., Chan, C.-K., Chen, S.-F., and Huang, S.-K., “Vibration-based damage assessment of steel structure using global and local response measurements,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, doi.10.1002/eqe.2680, 2016.
Hsu, T.-Y., Huang, S.-K., Chang, Y.-W., Kuo, C.-H., Lin, C.-M., Chang, T.-M., Wen, K.-L. and Loh, C.-H., “Rapid on-site peak ground acceleration estimation based on support vector regression and P-wave features in Taiwan,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, doi.10.1016/j.soildyn.2013.03.001, 2013.
Loh, C.-H., Weng, J.-H., Liu, Y.-C., Lin, P.-Y., and Huang, S.-K., “Structural damage diagnosis based on on-line recursive stochastic subspace identification,” Smart Materials and Structures, doi.10.1088/0964-1726/20/5/055004, 2011.
Hsu, T.-Y., Huang, S.-K., Lu, K.-C., Loh, C.-H., Wang, Y., and Lynch, J. P., “On-line structural damage localization and quantification using wireless sensors,” Smart Materials and Structures, doi.10.1088/0964-1726/20/10/105025, 2011.
● Seminar Papers
李侑璟、黃謝恭, “應用人工智慧針對模態參數進行結構物損傷識別,” 中華民國力學學會第四十七屆全國力學會議, 11 2023. 台灣,
陳晉筌、黃謝恭, “遞迴隨機子空間識別法在結構微震量測下之應用,” 中華民國力學學會第四十七屆全國力學會議, 11 2023. 台灣,
鍾永暉、黃謝恭, “透過調諧質量阻尼器減少基礎隔震結構的反應,” 中華民國力學學會第四十七屆全國力學會議, 11 2023. 台灣,
黃謝恭、林天郇, “使用機器學習和統計資訊開發異常訊號的檢測和分類器,” 第一屆台灣計算力學學會年會與第十四屆台灣邊界元素法會議暨學術研討會, 10 2023. 台灣,
Huang, S. K., “Online System Parameters Tracking of Seismically-excited Building Structures using Subspace-based Approaches,” 8th International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (ICMSSM2023), 07 2023. Thailand,
Huang, S. K., “Subspace-based Approach for Online System Identification and Damage Detection of Building Structures under Seismic Events,” International Experts Meet on Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (WEBASET-2023), 07 2023. Online,
紀富中、黃謝恭, “應用遞迴子空間識別法實現結構模態頻率監測,” 第三十屆中華民國振動與噪音工程學術研討會, 06 2023. 台灣,
Huang, S. K., “An Alternative Scheme to Estimate Displacement from Earthquake-induced Acceleration for Building Structures,” International Conference on Geosynthetics and Environmental Engineering (ICGEE 2023), 03 2023. Korea,
Huang, S. K., Chi, F. C., & Weng, Y. T., “Study of Implementing Subspace Identification on Seismically Excited Structures with Recursive Formulation,” 10th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2023), 01 2023. Japan,
紀富中、黃謝恭, “降低矩陣分解的遞迴子空間識別法與其應用,” 中華民國力學學會第四十六屆全國力學會議, 11 2022. 台灣,
林天郇、黃謝恭, “結構監測下針對異常訊號的智慧檢測和分類,” 中華民國力學學會第四十六屆全國力學會議, 11 2022. 台灣,
Huang, S. K., Lin, T. X. & Chou, J. Y., “Data Anomaly Detection and Classification with Statistics and Machine Learning Techniques,” 8th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 11 2022.
Huang, S. K., Chen, J. D., & Loh, C. H., “An Experimental Study of Subspace Identification using Recursive Formulation,” 8th World Conference of Structural Control and Monitoring, 06 2022.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Estimation of Residual Deformation of Building Structures using Singular Spectrum Analysis for A Safety Assessment,” SPIE 11379, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2022, 03 2022.
黃謝恭、羅俊雄, “利用加速度資訊搭配奇異譜分析直接推估建築結構層間位移之技術與其震後之應用,” 中華民國力學學會第四十五屆全國力學會議, 11 2021. 台灣,
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Displacement Estimation using Singular Spectrum Analysis for A Safety Assessment of Building Structures,” 2021 Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 08 2021. Taiwan,
莊奕婕、黃謝恭、張家銘, “感測器融合用於軌跡重建慣性測量單元,” 中華民國第十五屆結構工程研討會暨第五屆地震工程研討會, 2020.
黃謝恭、張家銘、趙品鈞, “以生成對抗網路製造人造地震,” 中華民國第十五屆結構工程研討會暨第五屆地震工程研討會, 2020.
黃謝恭、賴勇安, “加速度回饋之滑動模式控制的主動質量阻尼器研究,” 中華民國第十五屆結構工程研討會暨第五屆地震工程研討會, 2020.
Huang, S.-K., Lai, Y.-A., Chang, C.-M., Yang, C.-Y., and Loh, C.-H., “Experimental investigation of an active mass damper with acceleration feedback sliding mode control,” SPIE 11379, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2020, 2020.
Chang, C.-H. and Huang, S.-K., “Frequency-Domain Damage Detection of Seismically-Excited Buildings,” 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2018.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Control of equipment isolation system using wavelet-based decentralized sliding mode control,” SPIE 10598, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2018, 2018.
Chang, C.-M. and Huang, S.-K., “Operational modal analysis using time-frequency stochastic system identification,” SHMII 2017 - 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 2017.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, C.-H., “Control of equipment isolation system using wavelet-based hybrid sliding mode control,” SPIE 10168, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2017, 2017.
Chang, C.-M. and Huang, S.-K., “Stochastic subspace system identification using multivariate time-frequency distributions,” SPIE 10168, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2017, 2017.
Huang, S.-K., Liao, Y., Chang, C.-M., Loh, C.-H., Kiremidjian, A., and Rajagopal, R., “Use of Time-frequency Damage Sensitive Features for Structural Damage Diagnosis,” Structural Health Monitoring 2017, 2017.
Chang, C.-H. and Huang, S.-K., “Matrix factorization to time-frequency distribution for structural health monitoring,” SPIE 9803, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2016, 2016.
Huang, S.-K., Loh, C.-H., and Chen, C.-T., “Identification of ground motion features for high-tech facility under far field seismic waves using wavelet packet transform,” SPIE 9803, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2016, 2016.
李其航、黃謝恭、沈哲平、許丁友、林沛暘, “類神經網路演算法及P波特徵參數於臺灣地震最大地表加速度預測模型建立之研究,” 2015電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會, 2015.
Hsu, T.-Y., Wu, S.-Y., Huang, S.-K., Chiang, H.-W., Lin, P.-Y., Lu, K.-C., and Wen, K.-L., “On-site Earthquake Early Warning Techniques and Its Applications at Schools in Taiwan,” Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, 2015.
Huang, S.-K., Chen, C.-T., Loh, C.-H., and Chang, L.-M., “Identification of ground motion features of far field seismic waves: Early warning for high tech facility,” SHMII 2015 - 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 2015.
Huang, S.-K. and Loh, K. J., “Development of a portable electrical impedance tomography data acquisition system for near-real-time spatial sensing,” SPIE 9435, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2015, 2015.
● Patent/Technology Transfer
Weng, Y.-T., Huang, S.-K., Liu, C.-H., Hu, C.-H., & Wu, C.-H., “Insulation System for Electronic Equipment,” Taiwan Patent No. I808626, 07 2023.
Chang, C.-M., Yang, C.-Y., & Huang, S.-K., “Vertical Vibration Isolation System,” U.S. Patent No. 10,670,109, 2020.
Chang, C.-M., Huang, S.-K., Yang, C.-Y., & Hsu., C.-H., “Geometrically Nonlinear Vibration Isolation System,” U.S. Patent No. 10,655,704, 2020.
Huang, S.-K., Chiang, H.-W., Lin, P.-Y., Hsu, T.-Y., & Lu, K.-C., “Earthquake Detection System and Method,” U.S. Patent No. 10,386,510, 2019.
Chiang, H.-W., Lin, P.-Y., Lu, K.-C., Huang S.-K., & Hsu, T.-Y., “Method of multi-triggering,” U.S. Patent No. 9,720,115, 2017.
Lu, K.-C., Chiang, H.-W., Huang, S.-K., Lin, P.-Y., & Hsu, T.-Y., “Earthquake alarm broadcasting equipment and method thereof,” U.S. Patent No. 9,799,195, 2017.
Lin, P. Y., Chang, T. M., Lin, T. K., Huang, S. K., Chiang, H. W., & Shen, Z. P., “System and method for on-site instant seismic analysis,” U.S. Patent No. 9,465,121, 2016.
Hsu, T.-Y. & Huang, S.-K., “Earthquake early warning method based on support vector regression,” U.S. Patent No. 9,368,017, 2016.
● Technical Report
Chen, J.-D. Loh, C.-H. and Huang, S. K., “Application of Online Recursive Subspace Identification on Structural Stiffness Assessment and Quantification,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2017-014, 2017.
Loh, C.-H., Huang, S.-K., Kiremidjian, A. S., and Chang, C. M., “Shaking Table Test of Benchmark Steel Frame on Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2015-006, 2015.
Chang, K.-C., Lin, P.-Y., Hsu, T.-Y., Lu, K.-C., Huang, S.-K., Chiang, H.-W., Wu, S.-Y., Chen, C.-M., Li, C.-H., Jheng, C.-Z., Huang, C.-H., Chen, W.-J., and Chang, H.-M., “Earthquake Early Warning System Annual Report 2013,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2014-031, 2014.
Chang, K.-C., Lin, P.-Y., Lin, C.-C., Lin, T.-K., Lin, J.-L., Weng, Y.-T., Chang, T.-M., Huang, S.-K., Shen, Z.-P., & Lin, Y. C., “Database for Fast Estimated Response of Structure,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2010-007, 2010.
Loh, C.-H., Lin, P.-Y., Chao, S.-H., Liao, W.-I., Huang, S.-K., Mao, C.-H., and Huang, J,-R., “Benchmark Model of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2009-031, 2009.
Huang, S. K., Loh, C.-H., and Sheu, D.-Y., “On-line Damage Identification of Structural System based on Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter,” National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), NCREE-2007-046, 2007.